Postcards for
he 9 th International FabLab Conference, 2014 (2013)

Plan and Text by Hiroya Tanaka
Photographs by Gosuke Sugiyama (Gottingham)
Design by Kensaku Katoh (LABORATORIES)
Assigned by FAB9 Committee
Photographed in 2013
10cm x 15cm
Edition of 300 (First Edition)
Published by FAB9 Committee
Published in 2014
Printed in Japan

PERSONAL FABRICATION as the dawn of New Renaissance 2013
FAB9: The 9th International Fab Lab Conference in Yokohama

21 -27 August 2013

Fab Lounge (Hub): Yokohama Creativecity Center (YCC)
Super Fab Lab: Keio University Social Fabrication Center Yokohama in Kitanaka Brick 2F/3F
Fab Forum: Yokohama Seaport Opening Memorial Hall
Fab Kitchen and Fab Bar: Sakura Works, Fab Lab Kannai

FAB9 Committee, Social Fabrication Lab, Keio University SFC Research Institute

MIT Center for Bits and Atoms
Yokohama Creativecity Center of Yokohama Arts Foundation

Supported by
METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
MIC (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
City of Yokohama, FabLab Japan Network
International FabLab Association, The Fab Foundation

FAB9 Vision Sharing Partners
Platinum: Roland DG Corporation.
Gold: Toshiba Corporation.
Silver: Adobe Systems Co., Ltd. Okamura Corp, GCC, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
Fujitsu/Fujitsu Design Ltd., Renesus Electronics Corp.